Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for a grant?
We only accept applications completed online. Click here to apply.

How will I know my application was successfully transmitted?
A message will appear at the bottom of the page confirming your application has been sent.

Will I receive a notice if my application has been declined?
Yes, after the Board meets to review that period's pool of applicants.

How many times may my organization apply?
There are no limitations on the frequency of application. In some cases, a request from an earlier period may receive funding.

What are the application deadlines? March 31st, June 30th, September 30th, and December 31st of every year

Is there a dollar limit per request?
No. Snowy Owl Foundation grants are typically determined by the scope of the project. However, grants rarely exceed $5,000.

Is there a geographical boundary for grant recipients?
The Foundation primarily supports the local community but also considers qualified regional projects.

Is my organization required to be a 501 (c)(3) designated charity?

What types of requests are considered?
Our focus is on four categories:

  • land
  • art
  • education
  • human need

What requests will not be considered?
The Foundation does not review requests from:

  • religious organizations for religious purposes
  • individuals
  • political entities